Thursday, September 24, 2009

(K)not Again!

After few years of separation and subsequent divorce, I decided to move on.

Yesterday in a simple function in the presence of few close friends at an Arya Samaj Mandir at South Delhi, got married to one of my colleague Gurpreet.We have known each other for about a year.

Seeking your wishes & blessings,

-Sanjay & Gurprret.


Sananda's Ramblings said...

more fotos wanted :D

BK Chowla, said...

You have my best wishes and I am sure will have a very happy married life.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mate!!

Anonymous said...

well CONGRATULATIONS I SAY!!!!!! thoda hint de dete!!! i wuda mailed u a wedding pressie!!! :P well dne sunny...hope u guys haf marital bliss!

much love


Anonymous said...


Congrats on your wedding. You are moving too fast on personal front. I am sure that it is for your good and will work out well for both You and Gurpreet.

Need yout latest contact number. The number I have doesnt seem to work.

I will be coming over to Delhi in very near future. Looking forward to meeting both of you then.

Best wishes again.


Anonymous said...

that's goooooooood happy for uuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!



Anonymous said...

Dear Sanjay sir,
My best wishes to you and Bhabhiji also.
warm regards from,


Anonymous said...

ooppss...spelling mishtake..gurpr"e"et...chk ur blog!


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