Saturday, January 23, 2010

No Idiots.

By now most of you would have seen “3 Idiots”. No wonder, the movie is the biggest Bollywood grosser so far breaking all box-office record. By the 3rd week, the film had already grossed 300 crore plus!

It is true that people have different preferences, tastes and likings, thus their definition of “good” often varies. There are books /movies/music some like, others don’t. But then there is some ‘absolute good’ stuff, which everyone appreciates. A good thing in such case is absolutely good and everyone agrees. This movie surely falls in that category. Everyone I have come across (and I do across lots of them) have liked the movie, except perhaps my boss who thinks that book (5 points someone) was better than the movie (I feel otherwise).

This brings us to the furor which was generated by Chetan Bahagat vs. Aamir & Vidhu on the due credit to be given to a writer. Chetan alleged that his credits were buried down at the end of the movie while Aamir camp alleged that the movie is only 5% adaptation from the book and Chetan was trying to take away credits from the scriptwriter.

The debate it generated was such that Vir Sanghvi wrote a full article in HT and threw-in a new dimension – He mentioned that Danny Boyle apologized in front of so many people during Oscar ceremony when he missed out to credit one of the artists. His point was Vidhu and Aamir were severe (almost abusive) on Chetan at a press conference, which was uncalled for.

My view is neither Chetan nor Aamir/Vidhu were born yesterday and they very well know that all the publicity generated will help their causes. In fact Aamir went incognito (without revealing his identity) to various cities to promote his film and at Varanasi, the Hotel where he stayed came into problem for allowing Aamir Khan to stay in a false name. Well, all this helped the movie as well as the book as “5 point someone” was soon back at Crossword’s (and other book stores) top 10 fiction best-seller list!

Coming back to film, I am becoming a bigger and bigger fan of Aamir after his every new film in last few years. It is amazing how he managed to look/act as a college student in the movie, when he is 44! Ditto for (director) Rajkumar Hirani who broke the conventional belief that a sequel can’t be a hit with “Lage Raho Muunabhai”. This time he has raised the bar further. Three movies and every time he has outdone himself. Amazing!

Lastly, I laughed my guts out on the joke which is doing rounds on why “3 idiots” is only a mega hit and not a super duper Mahan mega hit – because in the movie Kareena didn’t say, “Jahanpanah, tussi great ho, tohfa kabool karo!”


BK Chowla, said...

Whatever one may say---tne ovie is good, AAmir good and it is box office hit.

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