Saturday, April 2, 2011

Living the Dream!

This is the reason why we watch cricket matches, follow scores, stop doing what we are doing to have a peek at the nearest available TV set – doesn’t matter whether it is a shop selling TV sets or a TV at airport, a pan-cigarette shop or even a hospital where we accompany our seriously ill kin– we don’t feel bad about it and everyone around us understands.

This is the reason why we call home from offices to check “score kya hai?”

This is the reason why a common Indian man bogged down by a game of day-to day survival forgets his woes and keeps fast, performs puja, yagna. Some go to the extent of promising a free-auto-rides to all citizens for a day and even an extra month of salary as incentive and what you have!

This is the reason why we have subjected ourselves to so many emotional roller-coasters over many years-often ending up with gut-wrenching pain and a screwed week-end as the men-in-blue collapse.

In a hope hope - to be world beaters!
And here now we are living the dream!

A special reason:

Not only the team, most of us – the Indians – wanted this to happen for him – the one whom we all love – the one who as he rose to heights perhaps none would, has became more humble, more humane. Who is a real hero who demonstrates day-in and-day out what hard work means, what determination means, what it means to be able to write your own destiny!

Seeing him being carried on shoulders by his team-mates waving tricolor and a broad smile reflecting joy in its purest form ; the joy so contagious that even we can feel that in our heart and in our eyes as well!

Missing someone dear:

As we celebrate, am missing my dad – who has been an ardent cricket fan and one who even while fighting a losing battle against cancer wouldn’t forget to ask, “score kya hai?”


Ajay pandey said...

absolutely correct !

well said !!!

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