Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Music made the day : )

Thirteen years back in Gurgaon, when it didn’t have big malls, theatres, and the star hotels – when it was more just a dusty village of Haryana closer to Delhi, few MNCs had just moved in. Phase 1 was the only market which was then face of “new Gurgaon”.

During an evening on one of those days, while strolling in the Phase 1 market, I heard this voice first time in a music store. It was a deep resonating voice singing some semi-classical rendition. I instantly liked it and asked the shopkeeper who the singer was.

“Channulal Mishra”, pat came the answer. I immediately bought the cassette which was titled “Krishna”. I enjoyed it for many years.

Today while channel surfing, I accidently hit a news channel where an interview of Shri Channulal Mishra was going on.  I was so moved by his passion for music that I couldn’t help but share this on my blog. The interviewer was asking him questions like “as fame grows, artists often become egoistic – how has been your experience over the years?”

His answer was irrelevant. He was talking about how music has changed over the years in front of his eyes. He was citing nuances about difference in “Kajris” as sung in Benares, in Muzzafarpur, in Chapra.  On drop of a hat he would start singing a rendition – explaining his point – talking about the raga. He was so immersed!

The interviewer Mr. Irfan finally had to admit, “Panditji, I am rather an obstacle in this interview!”  Looking at Shri Channu Lal ji, it was apparent that he was so happy singing!

During some reflective moments, when I delve sometimes into question of what is it that we all are seeking in life. I usually settle for “happiness’ as an answer.  Watching shri Channulal ji, I envied him. While just talking about music – he was so happy, so ecstatic. And as music dominates his thoughts, his life – he must be ever happy, ever ecstatic!

He says that he likes to “simplify” classical music to make it easier for masses to appreciate. I like his approach, his music and above all I love his voice. His renditions are available on You Tube. If you chance to hit on – “Koi Shyam Manohar Loge”, I am sure you’d like it.

p.s.: Pdt Channulal Mishra is a Padma Bhushan awardee; had recently sung for the movie “Arakshan” and singing title song of forthcoming "Mohalla Assi".


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M.C.Joshiji (Mamaji) said...

Pt.Channulal Mishra is a great singer and his commentaries during th course of his singing are very informative and to the point. He is my favorite singer. Music in one's life acts just like a lubricant in a big machine for its smooth running.

Dr. Ajay Pandey said...

Happy belated Diwali!
Pramod choudhari is on mobisur...any star with passion for music.

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