Tuesday, December 6, 2011


The reactions to "Volcano" has surprised me to say the least! On positive side, felt good that friends suddenly were concerned as to why suddenly such a sad poem. On flipside, was alarmed that people take the work as autobiographical!

Obviously, everything people write can't be autobiographical. Lot is inspired by what other people feel/ have felt or experienced. At other times it could be pure fantasy. Another aspect is even if it is autobiographical - it could be separated from present by the fourth dimension of time - means you may just write something based on an old experience or an already lived emotion. I wonder how it works for each one of you and if you'd agree with my hypotheses.

For me, the expression is based on the "mood" at that moment - each one of go through various moods through-out the day and something written during a particular mood definitely gets colored or flavoured by it.

When I'm feeling relatively low (could be because of small things like a bad day in office), I tend to be quieter than usual, more inward focused and creatively perhaps at a higher level. I guess that's the time when one feels like expressing it and getting it out of the system. That's when people are more creative. Haven't we heard "hain sab se madhur wo geet jinhe hum dard ke sur mein gaate hain..."

In one survey, in some magazine long time ago, I remember reading this that - in offices where the there is an overall serious atmosphere, people worked more. In my experience, when I'm poignant or cheerless, I am relatively at a deeper mental state, am more attentive, detail oriented, more focused and like finishing one thing after other. May not be true for all, I guess. One size doesn't fit all. Does it?


Avinash Lawate said...

Dear Sanjay...

Though I didnt comment on "Volcano", I read it several times..

Since I started posting my poems on FB.. even I had similar
experience..People really tend to believe its autobiographical. And I f=
agree with what you said :-

"Obviously, everything people write can't be autobiographical. Lot is
inspired by what other people feel/ have felt or experienced. At other
times it could be pure fantasy. Another aspect is even if it is
autobiographical - it could be separated from present by (the fourth
dimension of)time - means you may just write something based on an old
experience or an already lived emotion"

I tried to explain exactly this ...but in Marathi.This entire write-up =
so apt that I want to share it on my wall ...of course with your

Thanks dear for such wonderful thought

Warm regards,


Sanjay Lohani said...

exactly. Please go ahead Avinash.
Thanks for sharing. When are you giving me translations of your marathi poems?
: )

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